Latest News | Hammerwich Parish Council - Part 4

11 October 2023
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Tender for grass cutting services

11 October 2023, Comments: Comments Off on Tender for grass cutting services

Hammerwich Parish Council is inviting tenderers for grass cutting services within the Parish. A detailed tender document including scope, frequency and specification of work […]

9 August 2023
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Need your thoughts! – Elgin Consultation update

9 August 2023, Comments: Comments Off on Need your thoughts! – Elgin Consultation update

Update (October): The consultation has ended on 6th September 2023. Hammerwich Parish Council (“The Council”) has received overwhelmed comments in objection to an electricity […]

14 June 2023
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Hammerwich House Farm gardens open in June

14 June 2023, Comments: Comments Off on Hammerwich House Farm gardens open in June

The beautiful gardens at Hammerwich House Farm will be opened to the public Friday 16th and Saturday 17th June as part of the ‘Gardens […]

25 May 2023
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Wildlife & bio-diversity at The Triangle

25 May 2023, Comments: Comments Off on Wildlife & bio-diversity at The Triangle

To encourage wildlife conservation and bio-diversity around the area, you may have noticed certain areas at The Triangle are less mown for a while. […]

26 April 2023
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Vacancies on the Parish Council

26 April 2023, Comments: Comments Off on Vacancies on the Parish Council

Hammerwich Parish Council has vacancies for parish councillors in Hammerwich (Hammerwich) and Hammerwich (Triangle) wards. Expressions of interest are welcomed from anyone who is […]